Car Keys Locksmiths
TEL: 07756 01 85 38 Car Keys Torbay Chatto Road, Torquay, TQ1 4HY[email protected]

Keys, Lock and Ignition Repair


Door Lock & Ignition Repairs:

Car Keys Torbay can repair or replace faulty, stiff or broken locks and ignitions.

As all parts of your car, ignition and door locks suffer from wear and tear.

If the key will not turn in the ignition, we can remove the ignition barrel/door lock and dismantle it to find and resolve the problem.

If ignition or door lock unit is not able to be repaired, we can supply and fit a replacement.


Car Keys Repairs:

Car Keys Torbay are fully trained and capable to repair and refurbish most car keys.

It's common problem that key shells are getting worn over the years, plastic buttons fell off, remote stop locking/unlocking the car, microswitches are falling off the PCB.

We can fix most faults as you wait.

Our technician can solder new microswitches onto the PCB, replace broken/worn key case and cut new blade if needed.

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